Lilis: Our Retail AI Chatbot for In-Store and Online Customer Service

Lilis provides product locations via voice/text for in-store customers searching for products.


Find product locations

Identify products by name via voice and find their in-store locations in real-time.

Staff-free interaction

Customers use a natural voice/text communication method to find products they want, without having to interact with another person.

Easy integration

Deployed in Alexa (Amazon Echo) to serve in-store, or integrated into retailer’s website and App.

Scalability and flexibility

Supports millions of products search; Searchable / Accessible 24/7.

Operational efficiency

Start from day one with all products in inventory.

Human-like conversation

Lilis is an AI (natural language processing) powered chatbot that provides human-like conversation with customers.

Find Products
In-store with Chatbot Lilis

Find Products
Online with Chatbot Lilis